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Los Angeles, California, United States

Monday, March 10, 2003

Man, will I ever leave poor Maureen Dowd alone? Probably not, as long as she keeps writing columns like this one.
I find this section particularly odius, not to mention curious:
"William Greider writes in The Nation, "As a bogus rallying cry, `Remember 9/11' ranks with `Remember the Maine' of 1898 for war with Spain or the Gulf of Tonkin resolution of 1964. . . ." A culture more besotted with inane "reality" TV than scary reality is easily misled. Mr. Greider pointed out that in a Times/CBS News survey, 42 percent believe Saddam was personally responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, and in an ABC News poll, 55 percent believe he gives direct support to Al Qaeda."
Here's Greider's article.
I can't believe this. I may be close to speechless. I find that 42 per cent figure extremely hard to believe. More than that, 42 per cent of what? The American people? French poodles? Sailors?
When you someone cite figures that don't seem to point anywhere, it's a good bet that there's a reason for the omission.
Even more astounding is the contempt dripping from both Dowd's and Greider's articles. Contempt for the American people, who according to them are so stupid that they actually think Saddam Hussein commssioned the 9/11 attacks! You people are all idiots, according to these two. Being taken for a ride by the Washington Post, the paper that has consistently struggled to keep a lid on scandals in the Federal Government, if only to keep warmongering Presidents in power.
Oh, you didn't know that the Post has been in the government's pocket for a long time, and they all vote Republican?
Geez. If you're feeling adventurous, try typing "William Greider" into Google. Check out the kind of stuff he's written. Not exactly a paragon of objective journalism, methinks.

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